solo show and opening performance
La Cabine art space
Clermont Ferrand, France, July 2016
Inventory is a list of words (words, mind tense, negative space, silence, vivid space, personal space), clauses, and paths that grow within. Sometimes complexities appear amidst these words and create an illusion. But when this inner voice is silent, a trail as beautiful as a stream of sparkling water emerges, robust and afloat. Through this path, the river, tree, building, desert, asphalt, and so many other things exist with their differences. The inventory comprises a list of all silent words, and silence is one of the terms. A part of this list is negative space transforming into personal space. The mind is guided by the eyes to understand vivid, regulated, and predetermined plans. Consciousness controls its tension with a breeze. Besides, the inventory is a calculation of projects from a life where their ends are open files.

performance action-idea (it was written before the event): I will place six rolls of toilet paper on either side of the gallery space, corresponding to the six keywords of the project. One of the rolls will be installed on the wall in a frame, carrying a part of the statement. Therefore, I will sit in a specific place during the performance, writing an improvised text and finally disposing of the paper roll, tearing it apart or placing its separated parts on the ground among the audience.
performance duration: 40 minutes

on-site photos: Marjolaine Turpin